5 July.
Strong spattering - not a discrete explosion! - from the central crater
vent 2a. |
5 July 06.
Moments during an eruption of the collapsed cone 2b in the central
crater. |
28 June 06.
Candle-like, gas rich jets from the NW crater cone. |
28 June 06.
The steep central crater cone 2b at the beginning
and after an eruption (before its collapse). |
- the location and naming of vents - |
28 June 06. Sequence of a typical gas rich, candle-like eruption of the
cone in NW crater, starting with glowing bluish-purple gas jet (burning
hydrogen?) |
5 July 06. Eruption of the western vent 2c in the central crater. |
28 June 06. Rain of bombs from the NW crater vent 3a. |
28 June 06. Eruptions from the central crater vent 2a. |
28 June 06. Small eruptions in the central crater from vent 2a and 2b.
Compare the configuration with the photos below, note the collapse of
the 2b cone, |
5 July 06. Eruptions from the NE crater. |
5 July 06. Rain of bombs over the central and NW crater vents 2a and 2b.
The flat cone of the western vent 2c in the central crater |
5 July 06. Gas-rich fountain from the NW crater 3a. |
5 July 06. The western vent 2c in the central crater covered with bombs. |