Photos above and below: Located
ca. 2 km SE of Pu'u O'o on the flat rootless shield complex, a ca. 2m-high
pulsating dome fountain of very fluid, yellow boiling lava is playing in
front of us. The lava supply in the hidden tube beneath us is so large
and/or the tube is at least partly blocked at some point, that the lava
erupts from its roof (called a skylight), feeding a fast pahoehoe lava
flow. Photos taken on 11 December 2003. |
Left and middle: The erupting
skylight after sunset; it is slowly growing a small cone around itself. -
Right photo: In the wide-angle view from a slightly elevated viewpoint, a
second very large lava flow from a different close-by vent, probably on
the same lava tube, is visible. It was about 10-15m wide, was flowing at
around 1m per second, carrying large floating pieces of crust, and came
down a fiery cascade about 3 m high (left part of the image). |